1. Where We Work
  2. Malawi

Our work in Malawi

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Our focus in Malawi is delivering lifesaving access to safe water, which we’ve been doing since 2015.

We've been delivering lifesaving access to safe water in Malawi since 2015.

We’re providing access to safe water with chlorine dispensers throughout eight districts in Malawi: Balaka, Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Machinga, Mangochi, Mwanza, Neno, and Zomba. We have 16,000 chlorine dispensers operating as of July 2023, following a rapid expansion with over 12,000 new dispensers installed in a little over a year. We’re also scaling in-line chlorination across the same districts, plus Phalombe and Ntcheu, expanding safe water access to communities where chlorine dispensers are not an appropriate solution. Currently providing safe water access to 2.8 million people and counting, we’re reaching over 15% of Malawi’s population.

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We’ve reached millions of people in Malawi with lifesaving access to safe water.

people with access to safe water
chlorine dispensers operated and maintained
in-line chlorination devices installed as of mid 2023
DALYs averted since 2013
lives of children under five saved since 2013
diarrhea cases averted since 2013

Our work in Malawi ensures communities have enduring safe water access, improving the lives of children and families.

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Our Partners

Evidence Action collaborates with Malawi’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Water and Sanitation.